black and white photobooth of soraya

oh, hello!

  • I'm a frontend software engineer currently enjoying my role at New Relic on the Logging team.

  • My background as a visual artist has shaped my love for creative problem solving and getting lost in research.

  • Right now I'm really into learning about how to make the internet accesible. Off the internet I'm learning how to weave tiny carpets.

  • You can reach me at

black and white photobooth strip with 4 portraits of soraya


  • languages

    JavaScript, HTML, CSS

  • testing suites

    Jest, React Testing Library, QUnit,
    Playwright, Saucelabs

  • libraries + frameworks

    React, Next.js, Webpack, Material-UI, Socket.IO,
    Node, Express, Superagent

  • databases

    PostgreSQL, GraphQL

  • skills

    TDD, Remote Collaboration, Pair Programing

  • dev tools

    VScode, Github, Postman, PGadmin, Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, Adobe CC